Meeting Shortcuts

Using Meeting Shortcuts

In Sessions (Sessions), select your desired session and click Meeting Shortcuts (below Attendee Shortcuts).

Navigation Menu

Using the first URL under Meeting Shortcuts, join the Wordly session. Be sure to allow your browser to access your microphone. Remember that if you want people to attend but not speak, send them the attendee shortcuts link instead.

Wordly will translate your speech and the text you see into the selected language (shown next to the microphone icon). Changing the language in “talk/listen” will change the language into which Wordly’s speech recognition translates and transcribes for you. Others’ translation settings will not be affected.

Language select

Wordly works best when enunciating clearly. You can use Glossaries to allow Wordly’s speech recognition to include unique terminology.

Bilingual Mode

Meeting Shortcuts also allows the user to switch quickly between two languages. Pressing the down arrow to the right of the End Session icon will bring up talk/listen.


The language selected in “talk/listen” should be the language you are speaking in. It will also be the language Wordly will translate into. The language selected in “paused” is, essentially, waiting in the wings. Wordly’s real-time translation will not appear in that language until you click the switch button (the icon of arrows pointing in opposite directions).

Once clicked, the language in “paused” will become the “talk/listen” language and the previous “talk/listen” language will be paused. You can switch back and forth ad infinitum.

Audio Settings

To change your microphone in a session, you will need to go to settings.

First, click the vertical elipses in the upper righthand corner.

Meeting Shortcuts More Options Menu

Click on Settings to open the dialog box.

Audio Input Device Settings

From there, you can click the dropdown menu to select your audio input device (microphone/headset).

Select Microphone Dropdown

Click “OK” to close the dialog box.