Capturing Audio for Wordly with Any Platform

How to set up audio for Wordly translation in a non-integrated video conference platform

Wordly needs access to session (webinar, meeting, conference session, so on) audio, so Wordly can output real-time translation. With video conference platforms like Google Meet, Discord, or Microsoft Teams, Wordly needs a way to “hear” all the audio from the meeting.

The overall idea is to attend your platform meeting in one window of your computer and run Wordly to capture the audio in another. Then you will connect the two windows together using a virtual audio cable. There are a number of ways to do this; this document will address one method that uses a third-party application called VB-Cable.


To capture audio from all participants, rather than only audio from your mic, you will need:

  • A second computer not in use by a meeting participant. (You could use only one computer, but you wouldn’t be able to hear the meeting.)

  • VB Cable application or alternative software. VB-Audio Virtual is a third party not associated with Wordly.

  • A Web browser (to best capture audio, Wordly recommends Chrome).

Only one computer attending the meeting will need these downloaded. This computer will act as the audio routing device to Wordly for the entire meeting.

Setting Up VB Cable

You will only need to do this once. Please move to Preparing to Capture Your Meeting Audio if you have already downloaded and installed VB Cable.

  1. Download VB Cable.

VB Cable can run on either Windows or Mac. Follow directions on VB Audio’s site for your operating system.

  1. Install VB Cable.

Preparing to Capture Your Meeting Audio

  1. With the second computer, join your virtual meeting as an attendee. Do not join as a host or panelist.

  2. Mute the meeting on the second computer.

Connect Meeting Audio to Wordly through VB Cable

  1. Go to system settings, sound.

  2. Change audio input and output to VB Cable.

VB Output

VB Input

  1. Launch Chrome.

  2. Go to Wordly Portal, then go to Sessions Sessions button.

  3. Select your Wordly session.

  4. In Meeting Shortcut, click on the top link.

Meeting Shortcuts

  1. Clicking the link will bring you to Wordly Join. Join the session.

  2. Make sure the microphone icon on the Meeting Shortcut is not muted. Make sure your browser has permission to use the microphone.

  3. Click the upper right hand three dots within the Meeting Shortcut.

Session example

  1. Click settings, then select VB Cable.

Session Settings

Select VB Cable

Audio will now be captured from your video conference platform for Wordly translation.